My role
- UX/UI Designer
- WP Developer
- Consultant
Other team
- Backend developer
- Logo & graphic profile
- Website
- Bring out symbols
BACKGROUND Paventia, a start-up consulting broker in IT & Technology, needed a confidence-inspiring graphic profile and a website. On the website, it would be possible, among other things, to post listed assignments that could be searched through forms. It was important that the form was linked to each unique assignment.
SOLUTION To keep the budget down, we tweaked a WP theme that was designed for similar audiences.

My role
- WP Developer
- Digital Designer
- Consultant
Other team
Marketing consultant
- Website with parallax effect
- Logotype
Foodies & Brands
BACKGROUND Foodies & Brands is a talent agency for profiles operating in the food, beverage industry and acts as a link between them and various brands.
Foodies & Brands needed a modern logo and also wanted a website with parallax scrolling. They also wanted a solution where the menu is placed at the bottom of the page.
SOLUTION Logo was produced in a font with a hand-drawn feel. The website was built in a flexible theme.

My role
- UX / Digital Designer
- WP Developer
- Consultant
- Educator WordPress (editors)
Other team
- Copywriter/photographer
- Social media consultant
- Frontend Developer
- Backend developer
- SEO consultant
- Website
- Design intranet
Business Center
BACKGROUND Business Center (recently acquired by regus), a business with four larger office hotels. Two in Stockholm’s inner city and two in Solna.
PROBLEM The old website was messy and built by technicians with poor UX knowledge. It was also not mobile-friendly and needed to be modernized.
The new website would be bilingual and clearly show what the business had to offer. Also clearly highlight the various office hotels. There would also be a database list of all available rooms. In addition, an own intranet needed to be designed and set up.
SOLUTION The four different office hotels got their own landing pages with clear information about what that particular hotel offered. The landing pages were also SEO-optimized for geographic keyword area. A login function to the intranet was also made on the site, where you could, among other things, book conference rooms.
Concept photos were taken by photographer of people in motion.

My role
- UX/UI-Designer
- Graphic Designer
- Educator WordPress (editors)
Other team
- Copywriter
- UX consultant
- Photographer
- Front & backend developer
- Logotype & graphic profile
- Website
- Newspaper ads
- Fair stand
Erteco is Scandinavia’s leading supplier in plastics and rubber. With offices in Sweden, Finland and Denmark and, among other things, IKEA as a customer.
Erteco needed to reach new target groups and the interest of potential customers through a better presence on the web.
They needed a new multilingual website for the various Nordic offices and markets. They also needed help creating a new modern graphic profile and logo.
Me and another consultant, specialized in social channels, organized a workshop with staff from all offices in the Nordic region. At the workshop, among other things, a target group analysis and strategy for social channels was developed.
We came up with the strategy of trying to capture new target groups through organic search. Among other things through article marketing. Then lead them via various calls-to-action to a form to receive newsletters. Erteco could later process them in different ways.
To keep the budget down, a stable WordPress theme was used which was rebuilt to suit the purposes. I hired the developer who had built the theme for the assignment (living in Australia).

- UX-design
- Frontend
Other team
- Copywriter
- Photographer
- Adjust logo
- Website
BACKGROUND Hotelljouren is accommodation that takes care of each individual’s unique needs, regardless of background. Competition from other players had increased and it was important to create a serious but still warm impression towards the customers (who are mainly social secretaries at the various municipalities).
SOLUTION The site took on a warm human feel. Many thanks to the pictures but also the graphics. The page presented the overall concept, but each hotel also got its own subpage with specific information. Also a news function was created.
Photographer was brought in to produce environmental images.

- Art Director
- Digital Designer
- Web developer
Other team
- Copywriter
- Photographer
- Food stylist
- Logo (according to customer’s own idea)
- Food photography
- Website
- Digital menus in restaurants
Happy Chicken
BACKGROUND Happy Chicken, a newly started fast-food chain in the fried chicken segment, was similar to the international chain KFC (Kentucky Fried Chicken).
The client had his own idea for a logo depicting a happy chicken in a cartoon manner. He also wanted to set up a website and create digital menu signs inside the restaurants.
SOLUTION For a good result, it was important to produce fresh food images.
Partly image images to create a feeling on the web and in advertising, but also good product images to show what you sell. Photographer with food experience and a special food stylist brought in. A temporary studio was built on site in the restaurant kitchen.
A logo according to the customer’s own idea was developed with an associated graphic profile. Menus with product images for the digital signs inside the restaurants were put together. And a simpler website (to be expanded later) was built.

2013 – 2018
- Web developer
- Consultant
- Advisor e-commerce
- Trainer WordPress (editors)
Other team
- Photographer
- Museum director
- Artistic Director
- Article author
- Website
- Löpande underhåll, webb
- Continuous updates, web
- Template newsletter
- E-commerce solution, Jewish books
Judiska Museet
BACKGROUND The museum needed a new modern website where they themselves could update texts, images, even post ongoing news. The old one was hardcoded and also built using frames. This meant that it was not found in the search engines. There were requirements that the website should be mobile friendly, be connected to various social media, contain a news function and be bilingual. There would also be a function where visitors could sign up for a newsletter. In addition, the site would include an e-commerce solution where Jewish books could be purchased online.
SOLUTION The page was built in WordPress and in a theme called Canvas från Woo. Canvas does not contain a ready-made design, but it had to be built up with HTML and CSS (before the time of Visual Composer). Också en webbshop sattes upp i ehandelssystemet Woocommerce.
When the page was ready, I trained all the staff at the museum in WordPress. I also took care of the ongoing maintenance for a couple of years. Post new exhibitions and more. In 2016, a new museum director came in and wanted to rebuild the site from his own wishes. She let the agency Intellecta build the new site, but I later took over the ongoing maintenance.

- Digital Designer
- Advisor e-commerce
- Utbildare SEO
Other team
- Trainer SEO
- Set up e-commerce site
- Graphic profile & Logo
Indiana Store
BACKGROUND Indiana, a well-known clothing store on Gamla Brogatan in Stockholm dating back to the 70s, had decided to go digital and open an e-commerce site in the Army Fashion segment. They needed help rebranding themselves and setting up an e-commerce site.
SOLUTION A new graphic profile was developed with the signal color orange. A modern arrowhead had to become the symbol. After a lot of research, a ready-made e-commerce platform was chosen. The photographer was brought in through the customer’s own network of contacts.

- Art Director
- UX-design
- Advisor e-commerce
Other team
- Project manager
- Back- & frontend developer
- Copywriter
- Idea / Concept
- Strategy
- Communication
- Advertisement (picture + message)
BACKGROUND Marinshopen, an old well-known store for boat accessories in the Stockholm area wanted to go digital and start selling its products through e-commerce. What made it a little extra complicated was that there would be two e-commerce solutions on the website. One for private individuals and one for the dealers. It turned out that they had different UX behavior,
SOLUTION Flowchart and high-fidelity wireframes were produced, but due to lack of communication, the developer did not seem to be able to integrate the latter with the CMS as intended. Shortly after, Marinshoppen was also bought by Mekonomen.

My role
- CD / AD / Designer
Other team
- Copywriter
- Project manager
- Actors, 5
- Backend developer
- Frontend Developer
- Photographer
- Cinematographer
- Stylist
- Originals
- Film editor
- Film production company
- Promotional site
- Ads, DR
- 8 web films
- Assignment through the web agency Reunited
- Tailor-made solution in PHP/HTML/JS
OSRAM Campaign site B2B
BACKGROUND OSRAM came out with a pitch. They wanted to do a campaign in the B2B segment where eight different lamp products would be highlighted. Since the target audience was assumed to like technology, the solution would be digital. The agency where I was CD/AD won pitchone with a digital solution developed by my working group.
SOLUTION We started by developing a target group. It turned out to be narrow but important, containing only a few hundred people. Buyers, shop staff and the like. Then we interview them in depth, to try to understand needs and relationship to Osram’s brand and products. It turns out that they chose Osram for their history in the market, combined with solid knowledge unlike their Chinese competitors. As a solution, we developed the character, lighting expert Eddi, who was featured in the trade press and on the web for a year. We also developed an online competition where you could answer questions about the advantages of different lamps and win a trip.